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Kivo Calendar: Organizing Your Time, Effortlessly

Simplify Your Schedule with Kivo Calendar

Welcome to Kivo Calendar, your essential tool for managing time and schedules with ease. We've designed Kivo Calendar to streamline your calendar management, making it effortless for individuals, teams, and organizations. Say goodbye to scheduling hassles and embrace a more efficient way to organize your time.

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What we Offer?

Kivo Calendar is a comprehensive Calendar Management Application that caters to the unique scheduling needs of individuals, teams, and businesses. Our user-friendly interface simplifies event creation, scheduling, and collaboration while ensuring that you stay organized and efficient.

Effortless Event Creation

Create and customize events with ease, ensuring that you can tailor them to your unique scheduling needs.

Seamless Scheduling

Share your calendar, invite participants, and schedule events in a user-friendly and intuitive platform.

User-Friendly Interface

Our platform is designed to make scheduling a breeze, whether you're an individual, part of a team, or managing an organization.

Mobile Accessibility

Access Kivo Calendar on-the-go with mobile compatibility, ensuring that you stay connected and organized no matter where you are.

Collaborative Features

Share calendars, collaborate on event scheduling, and keep everyone on the same page with ease.

Dedicated Support

Our responsive support team is ready to assist with any inquiries, customization, and technical support.

Intuitive Interface

Kivo Calendar's intuitive interface is designed with user-friendliness in mind. The calendar's clean and uncluttered design ensures that you can easily and quickly navigate your schedule. Whether you're new to digital calendars or an experienced user, you'll find it a breeze to use Kivo Calendar.

Collaborative Scheduling

Kivo Calendar simplifies coordinating plans with others. Share your calendar with family, friends, or colleagues, allowing them to view your availability and schedule events accordingly. Collaborative scheduling has never been this straightforward, making group meetings, family gatherings, and project planning hassle-free.

Event Reminders

Never worry about missing important events or appointments again. Kivo Calendar's event reminder feature enables you to set up alerts and notifications for your scheduled events. You can choose how you'd like to be reminded, whether through pop-up notifications, email reminders, or even text messages. This ensures you stay on top of your commitments and responsibilities.

Privacy and Security

We take your data privacy and security seriously. Your personal and event information is safeguarded with advanced security measures. Kivo Calendar adheres to industry-standard encryption protocols to ensure that your data is protected from unauthorized access.


Streamline your scheduling, saving time and resources for more focused tasks.

Foster collaboration and keep everyone on the same page with effortless scheduling.

With Kivo Calendar, you can access your schedule anytime, anywhere, enhancing convenience and productivity.

Keep your schedule organized and stay on top of your events with ease

Count on our responsive support team for assistance, ensuring a seamless scheduling experience with Kivo Calendar.

Why Choose kivo ATS ?

Kivo ATS maintains a database of candidates, storing their resumes, applications, and other relevant information for future reference and talent pool management.


Kivo Calendar is designed for individuals, teams, and organizations, with a user-friendly interface that minimizes the learning curve.


Whether you're an individual, a small team, or a large organization, Kivo Calendar scales effortlessly to meet your scheduling needs.


Our competitive pricing ensures that you get a high-quality calendar management solution within your budget.


Tailor the application to your specific scheduling and organizational needs, ensuring it aligns with your unique objectives.


By streamlining calendar management, Kivo Calendar allows you to focus on what matters most: making the most of your time.

Our Customer Success Stories

Read how customers around the globe use our service to build amazing products

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. 1 How secure is the data in kivo.ai.ai ?

All the data stored on kivo.ai.ai servers are highly encrypted and can’t be accessed by anyone apart from yourself.

Q. 2 What features or tools are offered for HR's ?

kivo.ai.ai offers features to monitor every employee's progress on a daily basis. Also it helps HR’s in managing the interviews such scheduling and knowing their current status. In short kivo.ai covers all the facets of employee management needed for human resources.

Q. 3 Who all can access my kivo.ai.ai dashboard ?

Only the users in your organization can see your dashboard, however they can't make changes to them.

Q. 4 Can I custom set access levels for the assigned user ?

Yes you can. You set the desired access level while onboarding the user on kivo.ai and later modify them when needed.

Q. 5 How can kivo.ai help my organization/company ?

kivo.ai offers a platform to manage operations of your organization/company. With the help of its various features and tools you smoothen your existing workflow and make them more efficient and transparent.